Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

committee meeting.

(I wrote this for a guest blogging stint at http://www.themoxyproject.com/ but never posted it here.  The voices in my head have been loud and busy this week so I thought it appropriate to share!)

Sometimes I hear voices.

Like in my head.
Ok. More like often.

I know that’s not what you expect to hear when you come to the world headquarters of all things Moxy but I hear voices and oddly they sound a lot like me.

I refer to the voices as the committee.
And sometimes they start meetings in my head.
I have fired them before.
And I’ve adjourned many a meeting throwing people out as I go.

But allow me to back track a bit…

I’m a leader. I lead people, that’s what I do. I was born to do it. Then I studied it. Applied it. And rocked at it. Never once did it occur to me that I needed to lead myself. Until, that is, I came unglued. I managed to control every last piece of my life and the people in it (or so I had convinced myself) and then it all seemed to come crashing down at once. The year I sold my car, my house and lost my business made me realize that perhaps I didn’t have it all under control.

I know what you’re thinking-I totally WANT to tell you that I pulled my head right out and picked myself right up and moved along. I want to be that girl. But it took me awhile. I got caught in a committee meeting that just wouldn’t end.

You see-when life gets in the way of my plans or my plans go awry, my committee meeting is called to order. I hear voices when I should be listening for peace, inspiration and calm.

“I knew that would happen.”
“See? It always happens to us.”
“We can do this!”
“Nope, we don’t have any reserve left, let’s just cry in bed.”
“If only____then life would be better.”

It’s weird, it’s like I have the eternal optimist, the wounded teenager, the feisty hellion and the angel on my shoulder all going to bat for how I need to handle life. I used to try and work it out with them but it rarely ended well.

Here’s the thing, they work me up into such a frenzy. It’s as if I can’t even figure out which way is up. I’ll start reacting to one situation with the stress of another and before I know it I’ve irritated not only myself, but anyone within a 50 mile radius that needs anything from me. I react out of fear; I’m defensive while secretly confused and my knack for indecision runs rampant. I become the master second guesser-any decision I make might make or break my universe so I can’t figure out which way to go. It’s messy to say the least!

More often than not I ended up crying in bed with my pajamas having a pity party. Sad thing about a pity party is that the food is never any good and the company is worse.

And then someone told me to fire the committee and adjourn the meeting.

So I did.

I literally called a meeting in my own head-let them know that we would not be meeting like this anymore and I raised a gavel and said out loud-YOU’RE FIRED.

I learned to quiet the voices and just be in the crisis.
I learned to let go of the old story of my life and look for the new patterns.
I learned to be still and feel the moment.

I found that when ideas rattled around and around it probably wasn’t time to move in any direction. Once I felt calm I had a better idea of what to do next. I learned to trust myself again.

Like any time I’ve learned to set boundaries, I initially set them with a firm stance. (Read: iron fist) Ignoring my inner beings by shutting them down was easier than leading them, that’s for sure.

But with time I’ve accepted that the committee meeting in my head is an amalgam of my life and the parts of me that have been scared, hopeful, wounded and loved. Perhaps there is some wisdom there to honor.

As I’ve learned to honor myself and commit myself to more conscious self-leadership I’ve allowed the committee meetings to resume.

At times.

I still hold the gavel.
And sometimes I need to recues a member or two.
But in large part, I check in with my committee to get what I need.

And then?

Meeting adjourned.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

pop up bubbles.

I've never been much of a Miss America fan but after learning that a new found friend competed in Miss Kansas once upon a time, a friend I actually regard as pretty smart and very interesting, I thought I would give it another look this year.  Just for kicks. 

Did you know that during the talent portion they have their own version of Pop Up Video?  It was awesome.  Random facts about the performing contestant in a little box on the screen.

In case I decide to compete for the Miss Older America pagent some day I started working on what my pop up bubbles would say...

Observed a solar eclipse on a hillside in West Africa.

Uses hairspray to keep her hair in place.

Hopes for world peace.

Makes the best fudge. Ever.

Once tore a ligament
kicking a locker door shut.

Inspired by Oprah, Kevin Smith and Jesus.

Secretly wishes to be on Oprah. For any reason.

Often mistaken for Charlize Theron.
Ok. Not really.

Mom to 5 kids but only had to give birth to 3.

Can’t raise chickens nor plow a farm.

Loves Smashing Pumpkins.
The band, not the activity.

All County High School Basketball player.
A long, long time ago.

Loves Thai food, Indian food and Chinese food.
Can’t cook any of them.

Once sold $10,000 worth of Tupperware in 30 days.

What do you think?  Good start?
What would be in your pop up bubbles?


Thursday, January 13, 2011

little MANnerisms

Time to ring in the new year with the first little MANerism of 2011.

Mini-McGee, Little Man and I are sitting outside of an In-And-Out Burger waiting for our order.  Little Man notices there are two walk up windows and says...loudly...Mom, that line is for the white people
and that one is for the black people!

(uh.  is it wrong to want to smack your kid?  did I mention there are plenty of people within ear shot?  and he's not quiet.  mortifying.)

"Dude.  What are you talking about?"

Little Man:
"There used to be two lines."

(LIGHTBULB) "Are you learning about Martin Luther King Jr in school?"

(Note:  I said it loud enough for the guy three blocks away to hear all the while praying that his answer would be yes so I could get the lady next to me to stop looking at me like I was a crazy racist.)

Little Man:
"YUP!  They used to have two lines and it wasn't nice or fair so on January 17th we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day and we fight with our words, not with our fists because with our fists would hurt someone."

Ahhhhhhhhhh...gotta love the thought process of a First Grader.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It makes me cry.

Well. I mean. I don’t mean being a parent.
Then again-sometimes that does make me cry.

But tonight I mean the show.
Are you watching Parenthood on TV???

Ah. Maze. Ing.
I tease (sorta) that my life is Parenthood meets Modern Family.

Tonight Sarah (Lauren Graham) is fumbling with how to support her daughter Amber (Mae Whitmen) who is a Senior in High School and really trying to find her own way. Sarah sits down with Amber and says:

(and yes. I did rewind and type this word for word.)
(I’m a geek. I know.)

“When you have kids, if you have kids, there’s something you should know. A very confusing thing they don’t tell you. You see so much of yourself in them. You see your ironic take on the world. You see your smile, your laugh, and your sense of humor, whatever. And you think they’re you. But they’re not you. And they shouldn’t have all of your baggage, your fear, your insecurity, and your life experience because that’s not fair. They have their own.”

Then she tries to help her daughter spread her wings and do her thing.
And I’m crying.
Not because it was sad.
But because it is so true.

I have a mini-me. I have two actually but the older one is hitting all the mile markers of growing up two years ahead of her younger sister. I have watched Mini-McGee and projected myself on her because I see McGee at 14 when I see her face. I want to protect her from the ugly world. I want to shield her from hurt, any hurt I ever had. Ever. But I can’t. And she will have her own experience no matter how like me she is. And so will my other mini-me. It’s part of life.

I couldn’t find the clip of Amber ending the show singing at an open mike night spreading her wings but this little montage gem made me cry a little harder so I thought I would be so kind as to share it with you.

If you aren't watching this show, start now.
It's awesome.
Need more tissue...McGee

Monday, January 10, 2011

I gotta feeling...

The Black Eyed Peas were on to something.
I gotta feeling tonight 2011’s gonna be a good night year!

Mr. Man and I have this little ritual.
This thing we do when we need to refresh and regroup.


Last night just happened to be one of those nights.

Don’t know what is in the water or what magical healing powers can be found in the San Bernadino Hills or the 909 but whatever it is, I’m feeling it.

LAst night I was reminded of two things:

1. I am really married to my best friend. I could sit and talk to him over a hot tub picnic for hours on end until my finger tips are so pruned they no longer look like finger tips.

2. We have a lot in motion that holds a great deal of promise and upside to our future right now. We’ve worked really hard and are starting to see great results. Life really is good.

Yes there are obstacles.
Yes I would love to have more money in the bank.
Yes life gets in the way.

I’m just sayin…
It’s feeling like a good year coming on!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

my mom is the bomb.

In an interview this week:

“What makes you so successful and amazingly great, McGee?”
“Uh, my mom. Duh.  Google her.”

Ok so it didn’t quite go down like that but almost. Sitting through an interview this week (hopefully more to come about that on another day) I was asked why I was successful-where did my drive come from? I had to take a minute and adjust my answer because the first thing I thought was “I was just born and bred this way.” And I wasn’t sure that was the answer he was looking for.

You see, when it came to business, my mom has lived the Cinderella story-without the whole evil step sisters kind of thing and she didn't need a prince to save her-she dd that on her own. My mom got knocked down a couple times and always stood back up. Not only that, but she stood up with determination and the wherewithall to kick some serious ass and do it well. I’ve watched her succeed in business in any realm she applied herself with various degrees of financial reward and just grew up thinking that’s what you’re supposed to do. I just didn’t know any better I guess.

I’ve been knocked down a couple times. I don’t get back up as gracefully as her yet and my degrees of financial reward pale in comparison but hey-I’m only in my 30’s. I’m just getting started! But I have a hell of an example to follow. Everything that followed in that interview I could trace back to something my mom told me, showed me or expected from me at an early age.

On a randomly related note…Mr. Man and I were sitting outside the other night chatting and he told me his advice for Little Man once he was old enough to understand, would be to take a good hard look at your girlfriend’s mother. If you don’t love the mother, don’t marry the girl because odds are good…that’s what you’ll get. And seeing as how he married me even after knowing my mom really well in life and in business, I’ll take that as a huge compliment!

All this to say-today is my mom’s birthday and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate her than to play to my strengths that she gave me, fostered in me and expected from me (AND to remind her that her son-in-law loves her too). Us girls tend to rail against the “you’re just like your mom” card as teenagers but the older I get the more I hope people do see the parts of me that are just like my mom. I’m really good with that-bring it on!

Happy birthday mom!


Friday, January 7, 2011

just for today.

Dear God,

Thank you for knowing better.
Thank you for denying my request for more hours in a day.
No matter how many times I asked.


Days like today make me grateful that every 24 hours we get to close our eyes and recharge. Days like today make me so glad there are only 24 hours a day. Even better? I’m not generally awake to deal with all 24 hours!

In 12 step circles we hold tight to the concept of just for today. I always felt that one day at a time was all fine and good but until you give me the tools to practice that it’s just a cheap cliché thing to say. Then I read something called Just for Today…here are a few snipets…

"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt like I had to keep it up for a lifetime."

"Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my luck as it comes and fit myself to it."

"Just for today I will be un-afraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me."

I look around me and see people on any given day that are dear to me who are dealing with big problems, little problems, crazy people, sick people and just plain assholes. (Pardon my French but frankly that’s my lot in life today). So for my sanity as well as yours, I offer you my own personal just for today…

Just for today I will think before I speak.
Just for today I will take people for who they are right now.
Just for today I will let God handle the universe for me.

Just for today I will not reach through the phone, rip her a new one, tell her what I really think of her, degrade her with my witty quips about what an asshole she is and how tired of her mean spirited, nonsensical passive agressive craziness I am.

What. Too much detail?
I never said I was perfect.

The point is, just for today. Tomorrow I may take it all back. What I’ve found though is that tomorrow I generally feel different, have more perspective, or I will have gained enough grace that I have enough to share and will find the courage to share it.

Things look different tomorrow than they do today.
So I will deal with them just for today.

And I will thank God that today is merely 24 hours.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

no. joke.

So Mr. Man and I are walking through the grocery store the other day gathering last minute odds and ends for dinner and this chick walks up to us.

She's wearing pajama pants, she's probably in her 50's, her hair is a crazy, hot mess, she has a coupon or two, a wallet and a bag of veggies balanced all in one hand.  And she walks up to us looking four kinds of crazy and missing a screw.  Not a screw loose mind you.  Just looking like she's missing it all together.

The us that includes Mr. Man who hates nothing more than strange people approaching him for any reason whatsoever.  If you don't know him, kindly leave him be while he picks his produce, thank you.

And she says...You guys wanna hear a joke?

To which, despite my present company, I say sure!

She puts her free arm on our cart and away she goes cracking herself up along the way...

"So this guy goes to the dentist for his toothache and the dentist says bad news, two root canals, this won't be good.  Let's get going but I'll start you with some pain killers right away.  The guy says no, no, no, I'm in recovery-I'm clean-I can't have any painkillers.  I'll just deal with the pain.  Dentist tries to convince him otherwise.  Guy stands his ground.  Dentist numbs him up and right before going to town hands him two little blue pills.  Guy says-hey man, no drugs.  Dentist says don't worry-these aren't narcotics.  Guy says-wait, are these Viagra?  I'm too young for Viagra, I don't need it for this work for sure, what are you thinking?  Dentist says...

(at this point she slaps the cart and busts out the punchline as she walks away)

"Well.  Without drugs I'd imagine you'll need something to brace yourself and hold on to."

Dude.  Did that just happen? 
Look to Mr. Man...

He's speachless.
And that's hard to do!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011? Oh. I got this!

Not exactly.

Too concrete.

Trying to think of what to call my replacement for New Year’s Resolutions. Last year worked out so well for me that I’m going double or nothing! Rather than produce a list of potential failures I decided, on good advice of my brilliant friend SARAH, to choose how I wanted to live and who I wanted to be each year.

(Yes. That IS the sound of the sky parting and the Hallelujah chorus.)

This year I would like to live on purpose and chose wisely my focus’s. (Or foci? Choose what I focus on more wisely. That’s what I meant. I defer to the first English expert that comments me the correct correction.)

Remember THIS? It is time to live my life on purpose. Daily. Living on purpose means being an active participant in life, no victim, no “innocent” bystanding, just participating and doing it on purpose. It's about living, not just letting life happen to me.

And then there’s focus. I read this somewhere this year-can’t find where I got it from so if it’s from you feel free to speak up! Or maybe it’s Oprah. She’s my default. If it’s great and I can’t figure out where it came from…she’s a likely suspect.

At the end of the day you either focus on what’s tearing you apart or you focus on what’s holding you together. Either way-it’s a choice.

Such an Ah-ha moment. Either way It’s a choice! Choose to focus on the haters or focus on the support people. Focus on the drama or focus on the joy.


So 2010 peace out girl scout!
2011 Bring it on baby!

Focused and On Purpose.

It’s going to be a good one, I can feel it.


Monday, January 3, 2011

peace-out 2010.

1 year
12 months
52 weeks (or is it 53?)
8,760 hours
(Insert RENT theme song here)

Looking back I cannot believe a year has passed since THIS POST. Last year I decided I was through with New Year’s Resolution lists, also known as the list that leads to failure or how I make myself feel bad by March 1st every year. I wanted to live 2010 more openly and more creatively.

For the first time in my 34 years I actually succeeded.

And man it feels good!

2010 held a hell of a lot of CHALLENGES, buckets of CHANGE (not the jangling kind-the painful kind) and many, many BLESSINGS. I had people affect my life that I would care to never see again and made friends whom I hope will be in my life for as long as they can lovingly tolerate me! I have been open to other people and the way they do things (even Mr. Man a time or two, I’m still working on that one.  He has been right more, lately...thinking that's more about me than him...hmmm). I have written more, opened myself up more and been less perfect out in the open.


A blissfully open and creative life.
(For the most part-I mean, really-who’s perfect?)

It’s been amazing and freeing. I did lose some of those pounds I wanted to get rid of. I did change some habits I had been meaning to change and I made more money than the year before but the list was never the focus.

So as I sit down to write out my new focus for 2011 I raise a glass to 2010 and am secretly glad it’s over!  It’s time to refresh and renew and move on!

Check me out Wednesday for the new plan!
(GASP-I didn’t mean PLAN plan, we all know what happens when McGee makes a plan...God's laughed enough lately!)


Saturday, January 1, 2011


I cannot believe it.

It's already here.

Weren't we just at 1.1.10???

Still mulling over my past year and lusting over my next year.

More to come...but for now...