Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

no. joke.

So Mr. Man and I are walking through the grocery store the other day gathering last minute odds and ends for dinner and this chick walks up to us.

She's wearing pajama pants, she's probably in her 50's, her hair is a crazy, hot mess, she has a coupon or two, a wallet and a bag of veggies balanced all in one hand.  And she walks up to us looking four kinds of crazy and missing a screw.  Not a screw loose mind you.  Just looking like she's missing it all together.

The us that includes Mr. Man who hates nothing more than strange people approaching him for any reason whatsoever.  If you don't know him, kindly leave him be while he picks his produce, thank you.

And she says...You guys wanna hear a joke?

To which, despite my present company, I say sure!

She puts her free arm on our cart and away she goes cracking herself up along the way...

"So this guy goes to the dentist for his toothache and the dentist says bad news, two root canals, this won't be good.  Let's get going but I'll start you with some pain killers right away.  The guy says no, no, no, I'm in recovery-I'm clean-I can't have any painkillers.  I'll just deal with the pain.  Dentist tries to convince him otherwise.  Guy stands his ground.  Dentist numbs him up and right before going to town hands him two little blue pills.  Guy says-hey man, no drugs.  Dentist says don't worry-these aren't narcotics.  Guy says-wait, are these Viagra?  I'm too young for Viagra, I don't need it for this work for sure, what are you thinking?  Dentist says...

(at this point she slaps the cart and busts out the punchline as she walks away)

"Well.  Without drugs I'd imagine you'll need something to brace yourself and hold on to."

Dude.  Did that just happen? 
Look to Mr. Man...

He's speachless.
And that's hard to do!


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