Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Follow the puck.

Just last year I saw this quote on a Kevin Smith tweet:
(Director of Clerks, Dogma, He's Silent Bob.  If you don't know-you better find out.  Quickly!)

“Don’t go where the puck is, go where the puck is going to be.”

He attributes it to Wayne Gretzky’s father. It doesn’t matter if you know hockey or not, here. I’m fairly certain most of us know that Wayne Gretzky is the Michael Jordan of hockey. (If you don’t know who Michael Jordan is, there may be no hope for you and I to be friends. Just saying.)

So I saw this thing on Twitter.
And I put it up on a post-it note.
On my bathroom mirror.
About a year ago.

A year ago, right this very minute, I had no idea where my life was headed. Ok-that’s a bit dramatic-but there were many variables-just ask my girlfriends, whom I used tirelessly to whine and cry to about my work and personal life. But every morning, as I brushed my teeth, I saw those words-be where the puck is going. So I bore down, kept my head up, and muscled through. It was kind of miraculous what happened next. My life, it came together beautifully. And on top of that I was surrounded my amazing people I hadn’t known before.

I went to this Moxy Workshop and found my moxy. Big time.
I married my very best friend, our way, untraditionally, and fabulously.
And at the end of this year, I went out on a limb.
I applied for a job I wasn’t sure I would get.

Now remember-I’m the girl who doesn’t do anything unless I know I will be the best at it-ever-because I don’t like to fail. However. My company had been sold, I was passed up for a promotion, people were leaving and it wasn’t an industry I was in love with. At all. I saw a job listing in a market that was new to me and I thought about the puck.
So I went for it.

And over.
And over again until they took me.

So I took it! A great start-up company, backed by the most amazing venture capital players in the history of the planet-big time players folks-in the medical industry. ZocDoc.com needed a new salesforce in Los Angeles and I was about to be a part of it.

Fast forward to my first week of training.
Second day in New York.
Getting on the elevator, 3000 miles away from home.
And I see Kevin Smith’s signature jersey.
In the elevator.
Being worn by Kevin Smith, himself.

(Sidenote…Mr. Man and I frequent a live show at the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club called Jay and Silent Bob Get old. Seriously-like we’re there once or twice a month to hear Kevin Smith and his buddy Jason Mewes record a podcast. It would not be that hard to meet them, I just haven’t had the good fortune to do so as of yet.)

So I lean in and say-“hey man, would it be weird if I told you I was at your show last Friday night and I’m a huge fan?” He was shocked, excited and amazing-so friendly, took a picture, shook hands, etc. It made my day. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, I ran into the man later than night and chatted it up about his new project for 10 minutes. AND he tweeted about meeting me and how it started his day off with a bang.

So here’s the thing.

I would not have been in New York had I not had the wherewithall to go where I thought MY puck might be going. And even though, in theory, I should have met Kevin Smith a dozen times in LA, I met him 3000 miles away from both of our homes, following MY puck as he was following his.

So now what?

Well-I defer to Kevin on this one.
(We’re totally on a first name basis, even if he doesn’t know mine)

Kevin Smith has a new film-check it out at www.coopersdell.com and even better than that, he has a new distribution model he’s trying out. Bucking the system a bit, four walling it and taking the film on the road. It’s brilliant and significant enough for a blog post of its own. But in Mr. Man’s terms-he’s doin it. He keeps saying it’s time to put your stick down, head up and SKATE! (think hockey)

So that’s what’s next.

This new job will try me in ways I have not been tried yet. It will be totally worth it but demand more out of me than any other job has. It will be amazing. As long as I keep my head up, stick down and skate like there’s no tomorrow.

So it’s time for a new post-it on my bathroom mirror.
And hopefully, in a year…
Kevin Smith and I will both be reaping the rewards!

Thanks Kevin-keep skating and I will be too!



The Masked Vigilante said...

Loved this! Great story, great read, slick and elegant as all get out. Well done!

McGee said...

Hey-thanks! Glad you liked it. It was awesome to watch it all play out over the course of a year and feel like the universe (or maybe the twitterverse) brought me full circle!

The Masked Vigilante said...

Universe/twitterverse, whatever -- it's definitely some kind of fate at play there.

Kevin Smith is inspiring so many people out there right now, it's nice to run into somebody that's on the same ride. When I try to explain it to people, it's always kind of odd. "The CLERKS guy??" Yeah, him!

Which is my way of saying I get it, I'm right there with you, and I'm constantly thinking about where the puck's gonna be. And I love hearing examples of how other people are impacted. Really great stuff.