Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Why I love Mr. Man. aka Happy Birthday!

In order to properly celebrate a birthday in this household there must me a blog, so to you,
Mr. Man, I say Happy Birthday McGee style!

Top 10 reasons I love Mr. Man

10.  He's tall, darker than me and oh so handsome!

9.  He can really work a room.  So fun to watch.

8.  Mr. Man really knows how to plant a good kiss!

7.  Every day our girls are around him, he improves their "picker" by showing them how a man should treat them when they finally turn 46years old and are allowed to date.

6.  Mr. Man makes me laugh.  And lots of other people too.

5.  He also makes me blush for reasons that I won't get into.

4.  He is so dang smart AND the best salesman I've ever met. 
After all, he did convince me!

3.  He has an uncanny knack to remember things I mentioned long ago I wanted and surpise me with them on Christmas or my birthday.  I know he's always secretly wanted a blog all about him so I clearly have that knack too.  Hence the birthday blog.

2.  He's all in.  When he loves you, he really does. 
He forgives, he accepts, he loves.

And the number one reason I love Mr. Man...

Mr. Man is so aware of who he is and who he wants to be in this life.  He works so hard and so intentionally to be the man he is today.  He is a good man.  Truly.  The best.

And we are blessed for it.

Happy birthday baby!
You are so loved.

Monday, September 19, 2011

the most loved kid.

Soapy D is now four and a half.
She splits her weeks between our house and her moms.

Tonight when I was tucking her in we were talking about how lucky she was to have two different houses. She grinned as wide as her little mouth would let her like she had a secret.  And then she said...

"I think that makes me the most loved kid because I have two families and a lot of people love me!"

In a day and age where blended families, single parent families and non-traditional families outnumber the rest and can sometimes be challenging or contentious, I am so glad this little girl has figured that out.  If nothing else, she understands that her two houses have a great deal of love for her in common.

This kid really gets it.
