Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little Man Grows Old(er)

True story.

Two birthdays, two days in a row.

Ahhhhh...my little man.
I remember vividly the May 4th he was born, late at night.
I teased I would have to name him Juan if he was born on the 5th.
And I don't know a lot of blonde Juans.

Little Man is the comedic relief in this family, generally unintentionally.  It's so much fun to have a boy amidst the gaggle of girls in this family, albeit a tender hearted one.  He's a head taller than the kids his age and a master of handball.  He is the best cuddler around, by far and no, you may not take him home with you.

Little Man can rough it up with the best of them but is a momma's boy at heart.  I know it won't last so I'll enjoy it while I have it!  It's so fun watching him come into his own as a big brother, too.  He's a sweetheart!

Happy birthday to my little man!


P.S. And now back to your regular McGee postings...three birthday's down, one to go!

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