Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Friday, November 9, 2012

it gets better?

Ever had those days when you wonder when it will get better?


Less complicated?

I had that day today.

There is no big crisis, life isn't coming to a crashing halt,
nothing is falling apart.

I'm exhausted.

Thank Sweet Baby Jesus my sweet baby bean is a sleeper!  I've multi-tasked more than I should have this week.  Mini-Me had her own 16 year old drama, (which, by the way, if you have a literal mini-me,  good luck getting through her high school years without feeling every ounce of pain from your own four years of hell), we've had injuries, work, parent meetings at school, basketball practices, try outs for the teams I coach and...hmmm...what else?

And the Bean.
Whom I adore.
But was under the weather and wanted to snuggle all week.
Which I also adore.
Unless I have things that need to be accomplished.

So by Friday night I take a deep breath, sigh and have an emotional let down.  The first thought that crosses my mind is when will it be easier?  And then I realize this is the time in my children's lives that my elders look back on fondly and occasionally even miss.

And then I breathe again.

And Bean cracks a monumentally huge smile at me.
And I pick up Mini-Me in her new car and SHE cracks a grin.
And Little Miss is loving being lazy on the couch.
And Little Man is ready to be tucked in with a big "I love you"
And Soapy D is passed out, cozy as can be.

And Mr. Man gives me that look.
(Which makes me laugh because it's been too long of a day for that, but it's still flattering)

And I remember...this is a beautiful life.
Even when it's crazy.
And exhausting.
Or tedious.

It's also lovely.
And blessed.

Certainly irreplaceable.


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