Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

unconditional love.

I love lots of things
and lots of people

I love fewer things and people unconditionally.

Unconditional love is a tricky thing.
Can you unconditionally love something or someone that is not exactly how you want it or who you want them to be?  And like we've always been told, can't love someone else unless you love yourself.  So what about you?  Are you unconditionally loving yourself?

I'm starting to think it's a catch 22.
Here's what got me thinking...
(lest you read this and think I'm talking about loving you!)

I'm not a fan of my body.
I surely don't love it unconditionally.
I'm guessing I'm not alone in this biting truth.

Sure, I love it when it's bronzed and trim.
When it's not creaking and cracking.
When the creases and lines in my skin are hidden.

But as soon as it betrays me, isn't capable,
or isn't the shape and size I would like it to be.
I'm done.

Totally conditional.

But then tonight as my critical eye came out I wondered...
If I don't love my body now...

How am I supposed to love it enough to pay it the atttention it needs to be more like what I want it to be? I am more likely to sabatoge it with neglegence and something bad for my health. 

If I can change that feeling...
If I can love my body for the things it can do
And what it looks like, right now, as it is...
I would feel different.
And treat it differently.


My body.
Circumstances around me.
Other people.

Makes me wonder what an adjustment on MY part would do.


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