Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Is that a word?

I think it is.
But I've been know to make up a few along the way.

The year I turned 30, I finally left the county.
I went to Ghana in Africa.
I know, right?
Go big or go home!

I will never forget who I saw walking along the streets.

I saw me and my best friend with our kids.
I saw us catching up while the kids played.
I saw us getting dinner ready and keeping kids in place.

I saw women giving birth.
I saw sisters sharing.
I saw mothers mothering.

I saw the same damn things I see at home.
Just in different clothes,
and with different hair,
in different homes.

I look around sometimes and can't help but wonder...Would we treat eachother differently if we really saw our commonality rather than focused on the differences?  I've had my moments of feeling more superior, more righteous, part of the exclusive croud, better than you.  I've also been the black sheep in your eyes.

I see it in religion, sports, work, life.
It's not unique to one croud.
It belongs to us all.
We all hold the power.
And we all take turns abusing it.

It's naive-I know.
To think it's possible is to believe in world peace.

But if for one day only, if we looked for the commonality I wonder if we would love better, understand more and hate less.

Just curious.
Aren't you?



Anonymous said...

My bookend McGee,
This was my entry for the scholarship to Mexico. I already told you, but your post rang very true to what I had written.

"There is a thread that runs through humankind and it ties us all together no matter how different our lives seem geographically, physically, or spiritually.

I had an epiphany, 3 years ago in an African village, while talking with a young Massai woman. As she was telling me the sacred stories of her life, it occurred to me that we held similarities that were never expected. The same intense feelings of all-consuming happiness, and maladies hit our souls with the same strength. The same kind of joy that creates that bittersweet pit, and the same intensive pains, which generate tears and land on salted lips. Her story resonated in every fiber of my body. She allowed me to capture our meeting with my camera and since that sharing I have longed to unlock every secret that humanity holds, and expose the similarities to the world.

This opportunity in Mexico would offer me a chance to discover the face of humanity in a land I have yet to step foot in. I hope to discover the sacred human stories that await me in Mexico, as well as look forward to challenging myself, and my photographic abilities. "


McGee said...

I adore you. Cannot wait to hear about your trip! Commonality is my new favorite word. If it is a word.