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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

rainy night adventure

I have a confession to make.
I love blogs.
No-like I have a couple I read everyday without fail.

I found a new one...well...not so much new-a blog by the sister of a blogger I follow.  Don't ask me which blogger came first-that's like the chicken and the egg question.  The thing is...another confession...I spent HOURS reading these two blogs.

Like I found them.
Then I read a few posts.

Then I spent hours of my life reading about theirs.  And then I pondered tonight...why do I love these so much?  I think it's because in between brilliant, thought out theories of life, they blog about life.  Like daily life.  And then I had a day that I can't help but blog about.

Mr. Man has been out of town for a couple days (returns tomorrow-YEAY, only to leave again for next week-sigh) and as I've been wearing thin a bit I thought it might be a good idea to check out the new Sonic Drive-In for dinner tonight-BIG treat!

Tangent-the kids and I LOVE Sonic.  We have never lived by one but whenever we travel we sure look for them!  Mr. Man?  Not so much a fan.

It's been pouring rain out here.  Actually had tornado warnings!  But the kids put on warm pj's and we jumped in our big warm car and off we went for greasy food and sugary drinks.  Ordered our food with lots of joy and excitement...tipped our car hop four whole dollars-I used to have that job-it wasn't as fun as it looks-went to start the car to head home with our treats...

And nothing.

As in no juice.
No power.

So after trolling around the other patrons knocking on windows to see if anyone had jumper cables and being looked at like a creepy stalker in her sweats and UGG slippers I found an employee who was willing to help.  Three men, lots of pushing, no power steering and rain coming down with my window stuck open and finally a jump start (and did I mention a few choice words under my breath?) we headed home.

Except that I remembered last time I was at PepBoys they informed me I should replace my battery.  SO.  Perhaps a detour to get that battery would be a good idea so we could actually count on a car for tomorrow.

Much to my teenagers dismay we took our Sonic...
In our pj's...
Into PepBoys while they replaced my battery.

Little did I know that my little Sonic treat that was to compensate for me being so cranky would cost me $120, a little humility, a lot of frustration and a watered down slushy that I didn't get to for an hour.  But it was an adventure.

Good thing we start over again in the morning!


*To both of you who read me more than once in a blue moon...thanks for getting to the end of my little life moment...I think I'll try this more often under the radar-I promise I will get better at it!  Check back often but rest assured...cause I think what I have to say is exciting and important...I will let you know when I wax poetic a new theory or thought!

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