Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Saw this on Mormon Child Bride...

I had the same reaction she did.

Only I'm a mom of boys as well as girls
And here's what...

I'm so tired of girls being responsible for boys reactions.
I've grown disgusted with the concept that girls are taught in the religion I grew up in that they need to be modest for the boys sake, so the boys don't think bad thoughts.

I absolutely abhor the object lessons that regenerate every few years like licking a lollypop and then asking everyone if they want it after you.  Only to tell these young women that if they make a mistake with regards to morality they are nothing more than a lollypop that's already been around the block and no one else will want them.  Or a cupcake that's had the frosting licked off.

It makes me sick.

How about this?
How about we focus on respect for ourselves.
Why aren't we teaching young girls to respect their bodies.
For THEIR sake.
To dress in a way that makes them feel beautiful.
And comfortable.
So that they feel great about their bodies.

How about it's ok, we all make mistakes.
You're worthy of great love even if you aren't perfect.
Your worth doesn't hang on one less than stellar choice.

Where are the lessons for the young men of the world being told to get their minds out of their gutters and treat the girls around them with respect?  When do they get held to the fire and made responsible for their actions?  Or will we always blame the girl in a short skirt standing on a corner for the misdeeds done to her late at night?


so gross to me.

and to sign it from "Real Men"

Good.  God.

If this is what we really lean on to teach our girls self respect and dignity than shame on us.

Pregnant Rant Over.


perks of divorce.

Got your attention on that one, didn't I?

So this weekend, Mr. Man and I realized our time was running out.
Life is about to change in a drastic albeit blessed way.

We're about to retire our non-kid weekends.

For the past four years, our special little perk of being divorced parents was that all of our sweet kids went to their other parent's homes every other weekend.  On the same weekend. Which was lovely.

We've run away for mini-vacations.
We've hung out in bed for entire weekends.
We had three movie weekends.
In the theaters.
(This past weekend we had to repeat that one just for kicks!)
We've hot-tubbed and chilled in front of fires.
We've seen more concerts than I can honestly recall.

It's been a blast!

What an amazing blessing to a new couple to have that time set apart to spend with just each other (and now an over eager puppy), playing, dating and just enjoying life together.  Don't get my wrong, I adore all four of our children who live in our house but it has been quite a luxury to have no choice but to spend time without them.

And now there's the Bean.

Baby Bean is getting closer and closer.
Our time just the two of us is about to get sparse.
And while I cannot wait for her to complete our little family,
I will miss our non-kid weekends.

I have been so blessed to get to hang out with my best friend, the best husband I know and the funniest guy I've met over the past four years of non-kid weekends.  Our lives are better for it and as sad as I am that they're going away, I can't wait to see what this next phase of life holds for us.

Baby Bean weekends can't come soon enough!
Tick...tock...it's coming!

-a very preggo McGee