In no particular order,
Subject to changes and/or additions as life happens...
1. Any guy who is nice to you but is rude to the waiter
is not a nice guy.
2. Sometimes on the way to the dream,
you'll get lost and find a better one.
3. Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely.
4. Also-grocery shop when you're full, not when you're hungry. Same reason. You'll bring home less crap.
5. Take responsibility for the energy you bring into any space.
6. Follow your heart but take your brain with you.
7. Never sacrifice who you are
just because someone else has a problem with it.
8. If you want something you've never had,
do something you've never done.
9. Be curious, not judgemental.
10. Keep your head, heels and standards high.
Working on what I want my boys to know too.
I'm an equal opportunity mother.
I'm missing something. Other than guy -> gal, I'm not sure what's wrong with this list for the boys.
True-very true. My two oldest girls are at an age where these are the lessons I would impart on them cliches I would want Little Man to know right now would be just a little different...and more simple!
But in the end-yes-totally applies to both!
The first one is a big favorite of mine, but I think it's a unisex truth: A person who is nice to you but mean to the waiter is not a nice person.
My mom's guilty of that, and I always think of this and question her inherent niceness.
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