Pull up a chair and dig in girl...I've been waiting for you!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three simple rules in life.

Found this today.
Not sure which purpose it serves...
Reminder for me? 
Reminder to teach our daughters who are nearing the ages of responsible teens/young adults?

Either way...great reminder.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 more for the boys.

As pointed out-these lessons are universal.
But since I promised...to my boys...

1.  Go into the world and do well,
but more importantly go into the world and do good.

2.  Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.

3.  Don’t underestimate how long something you say will stay in a girl’s mind. Speak kindly and wisely.

4.  Never let the fear of striking out
keep you from playing the game.

5.  But don’t play games with girls.
You will lose AND be confused.

6.  You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.

7.  A strong man stands up for himself.
A stronger man stands up for everyone else.

8.  Finish each day and be done with it.

9.  Judging a person does not define who they are.
It defines who you are.

10.  A girl worth kissing is not easily kissed.
Except your mother.
Kiss her often.

So there you have it...20 lessons I would love our kids, boys and girls, to learn in life and share with others.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 cliches I want my girls to know...

In no particular order,
Subject to changes and/or additions as life happens...

1. Any guy who is nice to you but is rude to the waiter
is not a nice guy.

2.  Sometimes on the way to the dream,
you'll get lost and find a better one.

3.  Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely.

4.  Also-grocery shop when you're full, not when you're hungry.  Same reason.  You'll bring home less crap.

5.  Take responsibility for the energy you bring into any space.

6.  Follow your heart but take your brain with you.

7.  Never sacrifice who you are
just because someone else has a problem with it.

8.  If you want something you've never had,
do something you've never done.

9.  Be curious, not judgemental.

10.  Keep your head, heels and standards high.

Working on what I want my boys to know too.
I'm an equal opportunity mother.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


seek first to understand, then to be understood.
seek first to understand, then to be understood.
seek first to understand, then to be understood.

my new mantra.

after participating on the board in a youth sports organization, being part of a blended family as a kid, then as a co-parent, having worked for a new company and an old one and growing up the oldest of six girls...I can tell you...all people want to be heard but it's harder for us to want to listen.

including me.
hence the mantra.

just sayin.
understand then be understood.

Monday, August 1, 2011

little MANnerisms

It's been awhile.
If you aren't familiar with little MANnerisms click here first:

Today, completely out of the blue and totally random Soapy D says to me in a near whisper...

"I know most of the time I think about unicorns but sometimes I just think about myself." 

Holding back my laughter in hopes that she would keep going I asked her just what does she think about herself.

"You know like I think what would Soapy D do and what will Soapy D do now and just Soapy D, Soapy D, Soapy D."

And with that she hopped off our bed and went about her day.

Man I love that kid.
And Unicorns.
